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Final Transnational Meeting of Erasmus+ Project

15/05/2018 - 18/05/2018, Lithuania, Kaunas "Vyturys" gimnasium

Meeting for project coordinators. From each school will participate 2 representatives, inlcuding coordinating person and one teacher.


The aim of the meeting is doing observation of all project issue and writing the final report, doing statistical analysis of evaluation forms, organizing the tasks and planning the work programmes for sustainability of the results.


Arrivals of participants.


15/05/ 2018

9:00-11:30: visitation of  Kaunas „Vyturys“ gymnasium.

(Turkish delegation). Meeting with Project team and students, participating in English lesson.

Free time in Kaunas Old Town.


16/05/ 2018

9:00 - leaving from the hotels Europe Royle and Kaunas City Hotel to Kaunas „Vyturys“ gymnasium.

9:45-10:30 welcoming ceremony at gymnasium. Meeting with administration, Project team, students.

11:00- 11:30 - lunch at school canteen.

11:30-14:00 - coordinators meeting to evaluate and share achievements of the Project, examination of questionnaires and clarifying the main points of the final report. Workshop of eTwininng and filling final evaluation form.(school‘s info center).

14:30 - leaving from gymnasium, free time.

18:00 - Educational STEAM workshop for implementing personalization strategy „Everyone could be an artist“, Kaunas Tawn Hall square 26. Meeting by the entrance of Tawn Hall. Local project‘s activity.


17/05/ 2018

8:30-10:00 coordinators meeting brainstorming ideas for final report, Kaunas” Vyturys gymnasium”

10:00 - educational trip to Palanga Amber Museum. Local activity of the project.

18:00 - coming back to Kaunas




Leo © 2016 by Vyturys

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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