Inclusion on the way to Europe
Colegiul Tehnic "Petru Poni" Roman, Romania - partner of the project
Our school is a technical college where young people aged between 14 and 18 specialize in the following domains: Computers, Electronics, Economy, Environment, Constructions and Public works, Construction materials.
The education and the training of the 979 students of this school is provided by the 70 teachers who ensure the high quality of the educational process by carrying out specific activities in accordance with the latest requirements of the integration of the Romanian educational system in the U.E. The services offered by our school are based on the quality, the performance, the promotion of the European values, the equality of chances for all the participants in the process of teaching-learning-evaluation and the openness to the long-life learning process.
The mission of our school is to ensure, in partnership with the parents and other groups of similar interests, for each and every student, the necessary conditions to develop completely and efficiently, by promoting tolerance and understanding, by understanding, accepting and respecting the physical, socio-cultural, linguistic and psychological differences between the students of our school, by taking into consideration the fact that there are 90% Romanian students and the rest of the students are Roma and Russian (lipoveni); 60% are Christian-Orthodox, 35% are Catholics and 5% belong to other confessions. But 75% of our students come from the rural areas, 155 come from economically disadvantaged families, with parents have incomes below the subsistence level or no income at all and this leads to reduced chances of participating in the activities and the programs that any school promotes.
The participation in this project will raise the awareness of the identity of the students in a local, national and European context, of respect for the others, self-esteem, self-knowledge, sociability, friendship, cooperation with other students and teachers, education and the interculturality of the students in the sense of developing their personality and the integration in the local, national and European community.