Inclusion on the way to Europe
Ibrahim Tanriverdi Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi, Samsun, Turkey – partner of the project
Our school is located in the center of Samsun,Turkey. It is a secondary school with 28 education staff and 279 students some of whom are boarding. We have preparatory class plus four years’ education in our school. In the prep year the students have intensive English and French lessons beside Turkish and Maths. Our school was founded in 2005 as a new type of public school where students between 15-19 major in Social subjects. As a result of this, our students are usually interested in social issues, they follow the national and international innovations, they have an intention to contribute to the improvement of life both in our country and in the world.
Our teachers who are competent in their fields are always open to new changes and developments. Our school has participated in a comenius school partnership Project which dealed with Xenephobia. During the Project our students worked in harmony with their peers from other countries. After that Project our English teachers have joined Comenius in-service traning courses at different times in different countries. Their experience will certainly contribute to carry out the activities which will be held throughout the Project. Our school has also participated in many national projects in the areas of Literature, Geography, Sociology and Philosphy.