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Kauno „Vyturio“ gimnazija, Kaunas, Lithuania - coordinator of the Project

Our school is a public secondary school, implementing  distinctive elements of pedagogical system, based on musical education and Salesian edaucation as well.  We have pre-primary, primary school level, general secondary level and upper secondary level.  The school provides a high-quality general education established by the state (according to the pre-school, primary, secondary and formal music education programs). School aims to  create a purposeful and safe learning environments, and develops each student to succeed. Together with the general education, our school provides  musical education for children attending our school.  We have instrumental department, which could attend students from our school and the other schools as well.  Also we have 3 choirs and folk music classes. 


Our school  is situated in a quiet area - Dainava district, which is mostly residential area of Kaunas, the second largest city of Lithuania, which has got a rich cultural and historical heritage. School is located  near the city centre of Kaunas.  The student number is growing every year thanks to the basic priorities of our school. We have highly motivated and keen students.


Our school values are: democracy, responsibility, respect, tolerance, empathy , creativity, active citizenship, the need to improve, cooperation of the school community  for the meaningful work.  That is why, being an active member of the whole European community is also an important educative aim of ours.  We have  successfully implemented multilaterial and bilaterial Comenius projects and have experience and human resources for international co-operation. 

Leo © 2016 by Vyturys

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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