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2nd meeting "Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils"

There is a saying that the best way to learn something is to teach it. At schools across the world, students become better learners as they take the role of teachers and mentors to younger children. Peer tutoring is also valuable because students can often forge stronger bonds with other students than with adults and are more easily able to develop interest and motivation in younger learners. While there are some problems with this approach including the fact that not all students can be good teachers and also the quality of instruction may not be as high as desired, still there are a lot of advantages to peer tutoring as set forth by University of Western Australia below:

  • It involves students directly in the teaching and learning process;

  • The act of teaching others enhances student's own learning;

  • It encourages collaboration between learners;

  • It can be viewed as a strategy for dealing with individual differences in the classroom.

12/02/2017 - 17/02/2017,  Stålforsskola Sf 2, Eskilstuna, Sweden

Topic of Exchange: PEER TUTORING

The 2nd meeting report 

Leo © 2016 by Vyturys

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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